
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The John F. Kennedy years were often described as Camelot Term Paper

The John F. Kennedy years were often draw as Camelot - Term Paper ExampleIt is difficult to define President Kennedy. He was a armed services personnel with a hidden past, and one who kept his life in strict compartments. He had spent ofttimes of his youth seriously ill, and withal throughout his Presidency hid the constant pain he felt, so that even those who were closest to him were unaware of it1. As a man he w as easily bored, love excitement and was charming to all those he dealt with. Whatever decisions he made he was able to pole up through rhetoric and charm regardless of whether the choice that had been taken had been the correct one2. There were many events throughout Kennedys short presidency including riots over the admission of Negros into University, the Cuban Missile Crisis, civil rights movements, the Vietnam War, as well as countless other incidents3. The manner in which Kennedy handled these incidents and the depiction of him in later literature and film have l ed to the years of John F. Kennedys presidency have often been called the Camelot years, referring to an idealised time, analogous to the years of King Arthur. Under this analogy, Kennedy is thought of as a hero, promising peace to the joined State including the complete withdrawal from the Vietnam War. This never happened because of the assassination of Kennedy in 1953. How realistic is this view of Kennedy? Was he a hero, giving the United States a few golden years, or does this view ignore many of the facts of Kennedys presidency? This essay examines some of the key aspects of Kennedys presidency, including his opinions and decisions concerning the Vietnam War, the way he was as a leader, how he appeared in public compared to his own staff and his personality. It is proposed that the concept of the Camelot years of Kennedys presidency was brought about by opinions and theories following his assassination, and perhaps by the fact that he was assassinated, but that this description of his term bears little simile either to the man himself, or the events that occurred throughout his time as President. The Vietnam War Kennedy is often seen as a peace bringer and a hero because of his strong desire to bring about the cease of the Vietnam War. This image was prototypical advanced by the film JFK produced by Oliver Stone4. Stone forwarded the idea that Kennedy had the intention of ending the Vietnam War, but that this intention was prevented by his assignation in 1963. The image that Kennedy puts forward is one of a lone hero, and has grown in popular opinion since the films release5. Yet, considering him a hero in this respect is not only when accurate. While it is true that in 1963 he strongly desired to end the war, the actions in the first both years of his presidency were not to this end. When he first took office, the war had been occurring for some time, and the position of the United States was scant(p) and on the verge of collapse. Under his leader ship, the war was escalated in 1961 and 1962 with the level of violence being increased6.He was responsible for easily raising the level of aggression with such acts as ordering a squadron from the United States Air major power to become involved directly in combat operations7. As a consequence, he moved the commission from being warfare that was backed by the United State to direct armed attack8. Indeed, although Kennedys military advisors put forward predictions that the increases in violence would eventually lead to a military victory indoors Vietnam, and allow the United States to withdraw their forces, Kennedy himself never fully supported the idea of withdrawal9. The opinion that Kennedy planned to end the Vietnam War was not the only thesis that has been proposed by supporters of Kennedy. Some have proposed that he planned not only the complete with

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